As described in the Student Handbook, students must complete one course in Quantitative Reasoning with Data.
Background photo of student studying in a math lounge.
Part of the Harvard College Curriculum, the Quantitative Reasoning with Data (QRD) requirement introduces students to mathematical, statistical, and computational methods that will enable students to think critically about data as it is employed in fields of inquiry across the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. In QRD courses students apply these methods to real data to draw inferences and make predictions. QRD courses also teach students to assess uncertainty and to think about the limitations of the methods that they learn. The QRD requirement prepares students for life after Harvard by providing an understanding of how data are used in the professions they will enter and in the civic debates they will join.
Courses used to fulfill the Quantitative Reasoning with Data requirement may be taken Pass/Fail, with the permission of the instructor. However, when the same courses are being used to fulfill a concentration or secondary field requirement, there may be limitations on Pass/Fail options. Students should check with their advisors.
The following Summer 2024 Harvard Summer School courses are approved for Harvard College’s Quantitative Reasoning with Data (QRD) requirement.
- CSCI S-7 – Introduction to Computer Science with Python
- CSCI S-50 – Intensive Introduction to Computer Science
- ECON S-1123 – Introduction to Econometrics
- STAT S-100 – Introduction to Statistics and Applied Data Analysis
Harvard College students interested in receiving credit for Harvard Summer School courses should consult the Harvard College Student Overview.
How do I fulfill the QRD requirement?
Students must complete one course in Quantitative Reasoning with Data.
Students who matriculated prior to Fall 2019 have some additional flexibility in completing the QRD requirement. Please contact qrd@fas.harvard.edu for further information.
How can I find QRD courses?
On this website you can explore courses that count for QRD and filter them by term offered, department, and division.
In addition, you can view QRD courses offered in the current academic year through my.harvard.
Can I petition to have a non-QRD course fulfill the QRD requirement?
Only Harvard courses that are approved for the QRD requirement are eligible to count for the requirement. There is no petition process for different courses to fulfill the requirement.
When is the best time for me to fulfill my QRD requirement?
The QRD requirement may be completed at any point during a student’s career at Harvard. However, it is strongly encouraged to satisfy the QRD requirement early on, ideally in a student’s first year. The quantitative skills developed in QRD courses are a foundational part of the liberal education, and many students find that they can be valuable stepping stones to further coursework in varied disciplines.
Can I fulfill the QRD requirement with a course taken Pass/Fail?
Courses used to fulfill the Quantitative Reasoning with Data requirement may be taken Pass/Fail, with the permission of the instructor. However, when the same courses are being used to fulfill a concentration or secondary field requirement, there may be limitations on Pass/Fail options. Students should check with their advisors.
Can I use one course to fulfill both the QRD requirement and a divisional distribution requirement?
A course taken to fulfill the QRD requirement cannot be counted towards the College’s Divisional Distribution requirement. Students can choose whether to use a QRD course for the QRD requirement or a distribution requirement.
Can Harvard Summer School classes fulfill the QRD requirement?
A select few Harvard Summer School classes each year are certified to fulfill the QRD requirement, as listed above.