Masahiro Morii, Markus Greiner, and Gregorio Ponti (Fall 2024)
John Huth and Mara Prentiss (Spring 2025)
PHYSICS 15C | Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 | Course Listing | Canvas Site
Monday & Wednesday, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Forced oscillation and resonance; coupled oscillators and normal modes; Fourier series; Electromagnetic waves, radiation, longitudinal oscillations, sound; traveling waves; signals, wave packets and group velocity; two- and three-dimensional waves; polarization; geometrical and physical optics; interference and diffraction. Optional topics: Water waves, holography, x-ray crystallography, solitons, music, quantum mechanics, and waves in the early universe.
Recommended Prep: Physics 15a and 15b or Physical Science 12a-b or equivalent. Mathematics at least at the level of Math 21b. Mathematical topics introduced during lectures will include matrix calculus, complex numbers, differential equations, and Fourier analysis.