PHYSCI 12B: Electromagnetism and Statistical Physics from an Analytic, Numerical and Experimental Perspective

Sonia Paban, Gregorio Ponti, and Timothy Milbourne
PHYSCI 12B    |      Fall 2025      |      Course Listing    |    Canvas Site
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM

This is the second term of a two-semester course sequence of introductory physical science and engineering. The focus is on quantitative scientific reasoning, with the second term exploring classical electricity and magnetism. Topics include electrostatics and magnetostatics, analog circuits, electromagnetic fields, and optics. Examples are drawn from across the physical sciences and engineering.The course assumes familiarity with mechanics, experimental physics, and computational techniques covered in Physical Sciences 12a offered during Spring Term (see course description). Students will further develop competence in both analytic (using pencil, paper, and multi-variable calculus) and numerical methods (using the Python programming language) to model simple physical systems and to analyze experimental data.The course is aimed at second year students who have an interest in pursuing a concentration in the sciences or engineering. The course includes lecture, laboratory, and discussion components.

Course Requirements: Pre-Req: PS12A OR APMTH 10 OR Co-Req: APMATH 10