Kathryn Ledbetter
PHYSCI 12A | Spring 2025/Full Term | Course Listing
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM
This is the first term of a two-semester introductory course in physics. The focus is on quantitative scientific reasoning, with the first term exploring Newtonian mechanics. Topics include kinematics, linear and rotational motion, forces, energy, momentum, collisions, gravitation, oscillations, and waves, with a brief introduction to statistical physics. Examples are drawn from across the physical sciences and engineering. Students will gain competence in both analytic (pencil and paper) and computational tools (programming in Python) used by scientists to model simple physical systems and analyze experimental data, including problem solving, basic programming, measurement of physical quantities, and chi squared model testing and curve fitting.The course is aimed at first year students who have an interest in pursuing a concentration in the sciences or engineering. The course includes lecture, laboratory, and discussion components.
Recommended Prep: Students should be comfortable performing basic derivatives and integrals of a single variable. This course presumes no prior experience with calculus-based physics or programming.