ENG-SCI 20R: The Physics of Sports

Kelly Miller
ENG-SCI 20R     |      Fall 2024      |      Course Listing    |    Canvas Site
Tuesday & Thursday, 11:15 AM – 12:30 PM

This project-based course will introduce the physical concepts that can be applied to various human athletic endeavors. Students will focus on analyzing the dynamics of a specific sport/ physical activity through a project that they develop. This will allow students to construct physical models with an increasing level of realism that can used to analyze sporting events. Mathematics is the language of physics, and its use will be ever-present throughout the semester. However, we will focus more on the application of the laws of physics to understand the world of athletics. Students will learn the use of motion trackers and sensors to analyze motion in its dynamical and kinematic aspects.

Recommended Prep: Math 21a, Math 21b.