Mark Coughlin
ENG-SCI 120 | Spring 2025 | Course Listing
Tuesday & Thursday, 1:30 PM – 2:45 PM
A first course in the mechanical sciences that introduces elements of continuum mechanics and explains how materials and structures stretch, bend, twist, shake, buckle, and break. Definitions of stress and strain. Strain-displacement relations. Stress-strain behavior of materials. Torsion, beam theory with applications to beam deflections, buckling, and energy methods. Statically determinate and indeterminate structures. Three laboratory sessions required. Strong emphasis on analytical skills and mathematics.
Recommended Prep: Prerequisite: Mathematics 21a or Applied Mathematics 21a (or equivalent, previously); and Physical Sciences 12a, Physics 15a, or Applied Physics 50a (previously); and Mathematics 21b or Applied Mathematics 21b (or equivalent, previously or concurrently). Working knowledge of trigonometry, linear algebra, analytical integration, and differential equations.