ENG-SCI 53: Quantitative Physiology as a Basis for Bioengineering

Linsey Moyer & Jennifer Lewi
ENG-SCI 53    |      Fall 2025      |      Course Listing    |    Canvas Site
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 11:15 AM – 12:30 PM

This course is designed as an introduction to thinking as a bio/biomedical engineer and is recommended for first years and sophomores but open to all students. Simple mathematical models are used to represent key aspects of organ systems function. Core engineering concepts are explored through mechanical and electrical examples within the human body. The primary focus is on quantitative descriptions of organ systems function and control in terms of physical principles and physiologic mechanisms. It includes a foundation in human organ systems physiology, including cardiovascular, pulmonary, and renal systems. Emphasis will be given to understanding the ways in which dysfunction in these systems gives rise to common human disease processes.

Recommended Prep: Calculus at the high school level